Invention Grant
CN100583665C 码分多址系统中导频和不必要业务信号的消除
失效 - 权利终止
- Patent Title: 码分多址系统中导频和不必要业务信号的消除
- Patent Title (English): Cancellation of pilot and unwanted traffic signals in a CDMA system
Application No.: CN200610095714.0Application Date: 1999-01-27
Publication No.: CN100583665CPublication Date: 2010-01-20
- Inventor: 费思·M·奥兹卢特克
- Applicant: 交互数字技术公司
- Applicant Address: 美国特拉华州
- Assignee: 交互数字技术公司
- Current Assignee: 交互数字技术公司
- Current Assignee Address: 美国特拉华州
- Agency: 中原信达知识产权代理有限责任公司
- Agent 关兆辉; 陆锦华
- Priority: 09/175,174 1998.10.20 US
- The original application number of the division: 2006100550100
- Main IPC: H04B1/707
- IPC: H04B1/707 ; H04J13/00
Public/Granted literature
- CN101018073A 码分多址系统中导频和不必要业务信号的消除 Public/Granted day:2007-08-15
Information query