Invention Grant
CN102304692B 硬质保护膜及其形成方法
失效 - 权利终止
- Patent Title: 硬质保护膜及其形成方法
- Patent Title (English): Hard coating film and method for forming the same
Application No.: CN201110252244.5Application Date: 2006-10-20
Publication No.: CN102304692BPublication Date: 2013-10-09
- Inventor: 山本兼司 , 久次米进
- Applicant: 株式会社神户制钢所
- Applicant Address: 日本兵库县
- Assignee: 株式会社神户制钢所
- Current Assignee: 株式会社神户制钢所
- Current Assignee Address: 日本兵库县
- Agency: 中科专利商标代理有限责任公司
- Agent 陈平
- Priority: 2006-026444 2006.02.03 JP
- The original application number of the division: 2006101356540 2006.10.20
- Main IPC: C23C14/06
- IPC: C23C14/06
Public/Granted literature
- CN102304692A 硬质保护膜及其形成方法 Public/Granted day:2012-01-04
Information query