Invention Grant
- Patent Title: LED灯具配光用的透镜及其灯具
- Patent Title (English): Lens for light distribution of LED (light emitting diode) lamp and lamp thereof
Application No.: CN201210314333.2Application Date: 2012-08-30
Publication No.: CN102788318BPublication Date: 2014-05-07
- Inventor: 霍永峰
- Applicant: 霍永峰
- Applicant Address: 四川省成都市高新区紫荆东路96号1栋4单元9号
- Assignee: 霍永峰
- Current Assignee: 霍永峰
- Current Assignee Address: 四川省成都市高新区紫荆东路96号1栋4单元9号
- Agency: 四川力久律师事务所
- Agent 林辉轮; 韩洋
- Main IPC: F21V5/04
- IPC: F21V5/04 ; F21Y101/02
Public/Granted literature
- CN102788318A LED灯具配光用的透镜及其灯具 Public/Granted day:2012-11-21
Information query