Invention Publication
CN103572856A 建筑用串联屈服条带耗能减震装置
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- Patent Title: 建筑用串联屈服条带耗能减震装置
- Patent Title (English): Energy dissipation and seismic reduction device with series yield bands for building
Application No.: CN201210268014.2Application Date: 2012-07-31
Publication No.: CN103572856APublication Date: 2014-02-12
- Inventor: 郭小康 , 陈桥生 , 许立新 , 朱卫军
- Applicant: 上海宝冶集团有限公司
- Applicant Address: 上海市宝山区抚远路2457号
- Assignee: 上海宝冶集团有限公司
- Current Assignee: 上海宝冶集团有限公司
- Current Assignee Address: 上海市宝山区抚远路2457号
- Agency: 上海天协和诚知识产权代理事务所
- Agent 张恒康
- Main IPC: E04B1/98
- IPC: E04B1/98
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