Invention Publication
- Patent Title: 一种带温度检测的污水处理罐及其清洗方法
- Patent Title (English): Sewage treatment tank with temperature detection function and cleaning method thereof
Application No.: CN201510052649.2Application Date: 2015-02-02
Publication No.: CN104628057APublication Date: 2015-05-20
- Inventor: 方小刚
- Applicant: 方小刚
- Applicant Address: 浙江省金华市义乌市佛堂镇朝阳路2号
- Assignee: 方小刚
- Current Assignee: 山西鼎隆宇鑫农业科技有限公司
- Current Assignee Address: 浙江省金华市义乌市佛堂镇朝阳路2号
- Main IPC: C02F1/00
- IPC: C02F1/00 ; B08B9/093
Public/Granted literature
- CN104628057B 一种带温度检测的污水处理罐及其清洗方法 Public/Granted day:2016-03-16
Information query