Invention Publication
- Patent Title: 基于物联网的电梯检修方法及系统
- Patent Title (English): Elevator overhauling method and system based on internet of things
Application No.: CN201710944030.1Application Date: 2017-09-30
Publication No.: CN107697762APublication Date: 2018-02-16
- Inventor: 阳孝发 , 黄越
- Applicant: 上海江菱机电有限公司
- Applicant Address: 上海市松江区申港路3633号
- Assignee: 上海江菱机电有限公司
- Current Assignee: 上海江菱机电有限公司
- Current Assignee Address: 上海市松江区申港路3633号
- Agency: 北京维正专利代理有限公司
- Agent 谢绪宁
- Main IPC: B66B5/00
- IPC: B66B5/00 ; H04L29/08
Public/Granted literature
- CN107697762B 基于物联网的电梯检修方法及系统 Public/Granted day:2019-05-14
Information query