Invention Publication
- Patent Title: 铝酸锂固态离子传导层及其制备方法与含该固态离子传导层的全固态电致变色器件
- Patent Title (English): Lithium aluminate solid-state ion conduction layer, preparation method thereof, and all-solid-state electrochromic device comprising the same
Application No.: CN201810032194.1Application Date: 2018-01-12
Publication No.: CN110045558APublication Date: 2019-07-23
- Inventor: 包山虎 , 谢玲玲 , 金平实
- Applicant: 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所
- Applicant Address: 上海市长宁区定西路1295号
- Assignee: 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所
- Current Assignee: 江苏先进无机材料研究院
- Current Assignee Address: 215400 江苏省苏州市太仓市良辅路6号
- Agency: 上海瀚桥专利代理事务所
- Agent 曹芳玲; 熊子君
- Main IPC: G02F1/1523
- IPC: G02F1/1523
Public/Granted literature
- CN110045558B 铝酸锂固态离子传导层及制备方法与全固态电致变色器件 Public/Granted day:2021-01-12
Information query