
A mosaic piece having a body contour inscribed within a circle, and being formed with at least one projection having a projection contour. The body contour and the projection contour coincide at points P
1 and P
2 . The inner circle further contains a point P3 located outside the projection contour so that the angular distance of P
3 from P
1 is equal to the angular distance of P
2 from P
1 with respect to the center of the inner circle. The projection contour further contains a point Pa so that the entire projection contour is located on one side of a reference border line B.L. extended between point P3 and a point Pa. The mosaic piece being formed with a locking recess having a locking recess contour defined between points P
3 -P
1 -Pa. The projection contour further comprising a point P' between points Pa and P
1 . The projection is formed with an engagement portion having an engagement contour defined between points P'-Pa-P
2 and a line L extending between points P' and P
2 . The engagement portion is of corresponding shape and size to be fully contained within the locking recess.