Invention Patent
- Patent Title: Document binding file with window
- Patent Title (中): 文件绑定文件与WINDOW
Application No.: JP2012256815Application Date: 2012-11-06
Publication No.: JP2014091328APublication Date: 2014-05-19
- Applicant: Shigekazu Yagioka , 茂一 八木岡
- Assignee: Shigekazu Yagioka,茂一 八木岡
- Current Assignee: Shigekazu Yagioka,茂一 八木岡
- Priority: JP2012256815 2012-11-06
- Main IPC: B42F7/00
- IPC: B42F7/00
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a file with a window where the window is disposed in a cover sheet so as to confirm an index label of a document inside of the file from the outside without opening the cover sheet.SOLUTION: A document binding file with a window comprises a window (1) disposed in a cover sheet.
Information query