Invention Patent
- Patent Title: 用於檢測近場通訊裝置的方法及用於檢測近場通訊裝置的裝置
- Patent Title (English): Method and apparatus for reducing nfc multi-protocol polling duration and power consumption
- Patent Title (中): 用于检测近场通信设备的方法及用于检测近场通信设备的设备
Application No.: TW101121728Application Date: 2012-06-18
Publication No.: TWI474643BPublication Date: 2015-02-21
- Inventor: 羅伊斯登 菲利浦 史都華 , ROYSTON, PHILIP STEWART
- Applicant: 美國博通公司 , BROADCOM CORPORATION
- Current Assignee: 美國博通公司,BROADCOM CORPORATION
- Agent 莊志強
- Priority: 13/170,999 20110628
- Main IPC: H04B5/00
- IPC: H04B5/00 ; H04W24/02
Public/Granted literature
- TW201301794A 用於檢測近場通訊裝置的方法及用於檢測近場通訊裝置的裝置 Public/Granted day:2013-01-01
Information query