Piezoelectric transducer device for configuring a sequence of operational modes
In an embodiment, a tile device includes a plurality of piezoelectric transducers elements and a base adjoining and supporting the plurality of piezoelectric transducers elements. The base includes integrated circuitry programmed to successively configure operational modes of the tile, according to a pre-programmed sequence, to successively select respective subsets of the piezoelectric transducers elements for activation. The integrated circuitry includes pulser logic to selectively activate such subsets, and demultiplexer logic to communicate from the tile sense signals resulting from such activation. In another embodiment, the demultiplexer logic is part of a first voltage domain of the tile, and the pulser logic is part of a second voltage domain of the tile. The base may include circuitry to protect the demultiplexer logic from a relatively high voltage level of the second voltage domain.