Thin wafer shipper
An improved wafer support mechanism in a wafer container useful for carrying a plurality of axially aligned thin mostly circular wafer substrates. The container includes a cassette that has a plurality of adjacently disposed teeth for receiving the substrates, wherein each rib member is continuous from the cassette open top to the cassette open bottom, a removable top cover portion, a removable bottom cover portion, a cushion assembly removably attached to the container top cover, and another cushion assembly removably located in the container bottom cover and held in place by the weight of the wafer cassette. The top cushions are formed of individual segments having an extended lead-in feature at the end of each segment, spring sections in each segment and each segment has a V-shaped cross section to receive the wafer edge. The top and bottom cushions are installed in the top and bottom container covers, respectively, and extend the wafer support to approximately the entire circumference of each wafer.