Wireless controlled railcar cargo loading system
A railcar loading system utilizing roller ball track assemblies, or the like, in the center to enable cargo to be moved thereover in any direction (moving cargo in/out and within the railcar). Powered movement devices (e.g., rollers, conveyors) are utilized in the center to assist in movement of cargo in/out or within the railcar. Roller track assemblies, or the like, are utilized on sides of railcar to move cargo to/from the sides. Airbags may be utilized in track assemblies and powered movement devices to raise devices up when activated. Railcar may include an air connector on each side to provide air to solenoid valve that routes air to appropriate airbags. Cargo table is used to move cargo from cargo bay to railcar. Wireless controller may be used to control railcar and table including what tracks are raised and direction cargo is to be moved (what powered movements devices are operational).