Carrier phase tracking using multiple carriers
A clocked electronic device, such as a wireless magnetic resonance (MR) receive coil (20), comprises a wireless receiver or transceiver (30) configured to receive a propagation-delayed wireless clock synchronization signal (54) comprising first and second propagation-delayed carrier signals at respective first and second carrier frequencies separated by a frequency difference, a clock (60) comprising a local oscillator (62) driving a digital counter (64), and at least one electronic signal processing component (66) configured to perform clock synchronization. This includes determining a wrap count (k) from a phase difference (φ1) between phases of the first and second propagation-delayed carrier signals, unwrapping a wrapped phase (φ2,wrapped) of the propagation-delayed wireless clock synchronization signal using the wrap count to generate an unwrapped phase (φ2,wrapped), and synchronizing the clock using the unwrapped phase.