Plant Patent
- Patent Title: Hybrid tea rose plant named 'TWOAEBI'
- Patent Title (中): 混合茶叶植物名为“TWOAEBI”
Application No.: US22090498Application Date: 1998-12-24
Publication No.: US11525PPublication Date: 2000-09-26
- Inventor: TWOMEY JERRY
- Applicant: TWOMEY; JERRY
- Priority: US22090498 1998-12-24
- Main IPC: A01H5/02
- IPC: A01H5/02 ; A01H5/00
A new rose cultivar of the Hybrid Tea class characterized by having a very double, very long lasting, non-fading, orange flower, with very consistent blooms. This plant has been designated as 'TWOAEBI'. It is being marketed in the USA under the tradename of 'Dream Orange'.
Information query