Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Beverage dispenser
Application No.: US17957623Application Date: 2022-09-30
Publication No.: US11639822B1Publication Date: 2023-05-02
- Inventor: John Michael Elam , Camille van den Brande , Wayman Lee , Michael Makay , Jacobus M. Berkhout , Galen Eliason-Carey
- Applicant: Grupo Gallegos
- Applicant Address: US CA Huntington Beach
- Assignee: Grupo Gallegos
- Current Assignee: Grupo Gallegos
- Current Assignee Address: US CA Huntington Beach
- Agency: Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP
- Main IPC: F25D3/08
- IPC: F25D3/08 ; F25D31/00
Exemplary embodiments include a device that may serve as a drink dispenser for beverage cans. The device may be shaped like a keg. The device may include a portion to contain, cool, and dispense the beverage cans and a portion to contain ice to provide cooling, as well as contain additional beverage containers. The device may include up to five tubes with each tube capable of containing up to four beverage containers in the form of cans. A dispensing mechanism may be located at the lower end of each tube to dispense the beverage cans form the device. The tube structure may provide for cooling of the beverage containers within each tube. The device may be portable and may have a cart that can be used for transportation of the device. The device may be detachable from the cart.
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