Thermodynamically regulated method and thermodynamically regulated drying system for drying goods to be dried
The invention relates to a drying system (T) according to FIG. 1 for drying goods to be dried (LTG), comprising—a drying tunnel (TT), —a line (LAG) for exhaust gas (AG) containing (VOC) out of the drying tunnel (TT), —a controlled fan (GBL) for further transporting the exhaust gas (AG) to a heat exchanger (WT), —a heat exchanger (WT) for heating the exhaust gas (AG) using the clean gas (RG), —an exhaust gas line (LAG) downstream of the heat exchanger (WT) for further transporting the exhaust gas (AGWT) to a burner (BR) in a combustion chamber (BK) of a thermal post-combustion system (TNV), —a cold bypass (BP) which bypasses the heat exchanger (WT) and which can be regulated using an electronically controlled controller (R), —a fuel line (LEG) for a fuel (EG) to the burner (BER), —a clean gas line (LRG) for transporting the clean gas (RG) out of the combustion chamber (BK) to the heat exchanger (WT) in order to cool the exhaust gas (AG), —a clean gas line (LRG) for conducting the clean gas (RG) from the heat exchanger (WT) to the heat consumers (WA), —a heater (HZTT) for heating the drying zone (TT) by means of the heat consumers (WA), and —a clean gas line (LRG) for conducting the clean gas (RGD) to a stack (K). The invention also relates to a drying method and a method for a thermodynamic regulation (TDR).