US20050278748A1 System and method for automatically generating networked service installation based on subscription status 有权

System and method for automatically generating networked service installation based on subscription status
A system and related techniques prepare and condition the installation of new networked service or application components, such as Internet services, based on an individual subscriber's subscribed-to services, features and other components. A subscriber to an Internet service may choose to add, for example, a componentized subscription to a music or video download service to their access plan. When the user inserts a CDROM or accesses a Web site for installation, the user may be prompted for a username or passport-type object to authenticate their account. The user may then be presented with a set of available service selections, extensions or enhancements to choose to add to their plan. Those available selections may be prefiltered or prequalified, for example, based on geographic location, account spending or access limits, language or other criteria. Because the installation engine delivers components which are intelligently filtered at time of installation, the service components or applications can be tailored to that specific user's needs and options, instead of downloading or installing a monolithic package which may contain services not available or of interest to that user.