US20060097419A1 Carbon combustion synthesis of oxides 有权

Carbon combustion synthesis of oxides
The present invention is generally directed to a novel, economic synthesis of oxide ceramic composites. Methods of the present invention, referred to as carbon combustion synthesis of oxides (CCSO), are a modification of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) methods in which the heat needed for the synthesis is generated by combustion of carbon in oxygen rather than that of a pure metal. This enables a more economic production of the ceramic material and minimizes the presence of intermediate metal oxides in the product. The reactant mixture generally comprises at least one oxide precursor (e.g., a metal or non metal oxide, or super oxide, or nitride, or carbonate, or chloride, or oxalate, or halides) as a reactant, but no pure metal. Pure carbon in the form of graphite or soot is added to the reactant mixture to generate the desired heat (upon ignition). The mixture is placed in a reactor and exposed to gaseous oxygen. The high-temperature exothermic reaction between the carbon and oxygen generates a self-sustaining reaction in the form of a propagating temperature wave that causes a reaction among the reactants. The reaction proceeds rapidly following ignition, and the final product comprises simple and/or complex oxides of elements present in the oxide precursor(s). CCSO also enables synthesis of oxides that cannot be produced by conventional SHS, such as when the pure metal is pyrophoric (such as Li or La) or such as when it melts at room temperature (e.g., Ga) or such as the combustion heat of the metal is relatively low.