Adhesion promoter, electroactive layer and electroactive device comprising same, and method
In one embodiment the present invention discloses a method for making a first layer in an electroactive device comprising the steps of (i) preparing a composition by mixing at least one adhesion promoter material and at least one electroactive material; and (ii) depositing said composition onto a second electroactive layer of said electroactive device; and (iii) optionally further depositing a third electroactive layer onto the surface of said first layer opposite the second layer, wherein said composition enables adhesion between said first layer and said second layer or between said first layer and said third layer, or between said first layer and both said second layer and said third layer. In another embodiment the present invention discloses a method for improving adhesion between layers in an electroactive device comprising the steps of (i) depositing a surface treatment composition comprising at least one adhesion promoter material on at least one surface of a first electroactive layer, and (ii) depositing a second electroactive layer onto the surface of said first layer comprising said adhesion promoter; wherein said composition enables adhesion between said first layer and said second layer of said electroactive device. Electroactive layers and electroactive devices comprising said layers are also disclosed, as well as methods to make said electroactive devices. In another embodiment adhesion promoters comprising 9,9-disubstituted fluorenyl compounds are disclosed, as well as methods for making the same.