US20060150854A1 Method and means for producing a magnetically induced design in a coating containing magnetic particles 有权

Method and means for producing a magnetically induced design in a coating containing magnetic particles
The invention discloses a device and a method for transferring a predeterminable, high-resolution magnetic design onto a document printed with a magnetic ink, in particular a magnetic optically variable ink. The device comprises a body of a composite permanent-magnetic material, having at least one flat or curved surface engraved with indicia corresponding to the design to be transferred, wherein the said magnetic material is permanently magnetized, preferably in a direction substantially perpendicular to the said surface. The method comprises imprinting or coating a first surface of a sheet or web with a magnetic ink or coating composition, and approaching the imprinted sheet or web to the engraved surface of a body of magnetized composite permanent-magnetic material while the ink is wet, followed by hardening the ink.