Invention Application
- Patent Title: Phototherapeutical apparatus and method for the treatment and prevention of diseases of body cavities
Application No.: US11354788Application Date: 2006-02-15
Publication No.: US20060155349A1Publication Date: 2006-07-13
- Inventor: Lajos Kemeny , Zsolt Bor , Gabor Szabo , Ferenc Ignacz , Bela Racz , Attila Dobozy
- Applicant: Lajos Kemeny , Zsolt Bor , Gabor Szabo , Ferenc Ignacz , Bela Racz , Attila Dobozy
- Priority: HUP0103279 20010810
- Main IPC: A61N5/06
- IPC: A61N5/06

A phototherapeutical apparatus and method are described. The apparatus includes an ultraviolet light source, an optical guidance system, and a patient interface. The patient interface is insertable at least partially into a body cavity and is operable to apply the guided ultraviolet light to a tissue surface of a body cavity. The method includes providing the phototherapeutical apparatus, preparing for the application of the phototherapeutical apparatus, inserting the patient interface at least partially into a body cavity, and applying the ultraviolet light by the patient interface to a tissue surface of a body cavity, wherein the tissue of the body cavity has an inflammatory or a hyperproliferative disease. The inflammatory diseases include rhinitis, sinusitis and rhinosinusitis. A photochemotherapeutical method is also described, using photosensitizing substances, such as psoralen before treatment with ultraviolet light. The phototherapeutical method is also effective for the prevention of inflammatory or hyperproliferative diseases.
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