US20060227948A1 System and method for implementing call controls in a telephony network 审中-公开

System and method for implementing call controls in a telephony network
In one embodiment according to the invention, there is disclosed a method for implementing call controls in a telephony network. The method comprises processing a call log of actual calls for an individual end user of the telephony network to identify applicability, for each call of the call log, of each rule of a set of call control rules; and providing a display of a call disposition that would occur for at least one call in the call log, assuming implementation of the set of call control rules. Another embodiment according to the invention comprises providing a call log of calls for an individual end user of the telephony network; and providing a display of a call control rule applied to a call of the call log. The display of the call control rule comprises an identification of one or more criteria that triggered application of the call control rule, and a disposition of the call as a result of the call control rule.