US20060241429A1 Aberration correction with broad transmit beams in medical ultrasound 有权

Aberration correction with broad transmit beams in medical ultrasound
Aberration estimation uses cross correlation of receive-focused transmit element data. A set of sequentially fired broad transmit beams insonify an object from different steering angles. Each transmit beam emanates from an actual or a virtual transmit element. For every firing, a receive beamformer forms a transmit element image of the insonified region by focusing the received signals. An estimator estimates aberration by cross correlating or comparing the transmit element images. Where a virtual transmit element is used, the virtual transmit element images are back propagated to an actual transmit element position before aberration estimation. The estimations are used to form corrected transmit element images which are then summed pre-detection to form a high-resolution synthetic transmit aperture. Alternatively, the estimations are used to improve conventional focused-transmit imaging.