US20070016707A1 Configuration connector for information handling system circuit boards 审中-公开

Configuration connector for information handling system circuit boards
The present invention provides a configuration jumper that allows the main system board of an information handling system to be configured for a plurality of population options, including on-board PCI-E integrated circuits and PCI-E integrated circuits on expansion circuit boards that are connected to the main system board by an expansion slot connector. In one embodiment of the invention, the main system board comprises a first conductor and a second conductor that is selected from a plurality of second conductors that correspond to different circuit population options. The configuration jumper is operable to connect the first connector to the selected second conductor and to provide an appropriate capacitance to ensure that the signal path defined by the first conductor, the second conductor and the internal conductor of the jumper provide a combined AC coupling capacitance that complies with the AC coupling capacitor requirements of the PCI-E protocol. In alternative embodiments of the invention the four embodiments of the configuration jumpers discussed above are used to connect first pairs of differential signal conductors to second pairs of differential signal conductors. In these embodiments, the configuration jumpers comprise capacitance compensation and impedance matching to provide a capacitance-compensated, impedance-matched passthrough for high-speed differential signals used to transmit data between a PCI-E root complex and a PCI-E integrated circuit.