US20070073833A1 Web page preview without browsing to web page 审中-公开

Web page preview without browsing to web page
Web pages are previewed without actually having to browse to those web pages. A method is performed in relation to a first web page being browsed by a user and that has a hyperlink to a second web page. The second web page is acquired, and a site-specific preview, a user-specific preview, and a time-specific preview of the second web page are constructed. The site-specific preview is specific to a web site encompassing the second web page. The user-specific preview is specific to the user browsing the first web page. The time-specific preview is nominally specific to a time at which the user previews the second web page. These three previews are combined into an overall preview. In response to the user performing an action in relation to the hyperlink on the first web page, the overall preview of the second web page is displayed without browsing to that page.