US20070143122A1 Business method for correlating product reviews published on the world wide Web to provide an overall value assessment of the product being reviewed 审中-公开

Business method for correlating product reviews published on the world wide Web to provide an overall value assessment of the product being reviewed
A searching method in the Internet that correlates publicly available product reviews for products by initially predetermining a set of review terms indicative of a favorable review and also predetermining a set of review terms indicative of an unfavorable review. From a requesting station, databases in the Internet are searched for the product reviews as follows. Product reviews are distinguished from other documents mentioning the product that may also be in the searched databases. Each distinguished product review is then analyzed using the predetermined review terms indicative of favorable reviews and predetermined review terms indicative of unfavorable reviews. An overall determination is made as to whether each individual product review was favorable, unfavorable or balanced.