US20070152995A1 Liquid crystal display element 失效

Liquid crystal display element
A segment block 61, which is formed into a shape like the numeral eight (“8”) constituted by seven segments 63, is connected to the adjacent segment block 61 by way of liquid crystal injection paths 62, each of which has a key-type S-shaped structure. Within the segment block 61, two pairs of segments 63 each consisting of one left and one right segment and which are located on the opposing upper and lower sides, are mutually connected by way of liquid crystal injection paths 64, each of which has a key-type S-shaped structure, and three segments 63 located at the upper, middle and lower parts are respectively connected to the liquid crystal injection paths 64 by way of linearly structured liquid crystal injection paths 65 that are vertically branched respectively from the liquid crystal injection paths 64.