Invention Application
- Patent Title: Carrier
- Patent Title (中): 承运人
Application No.: US11473301Application Date: 2006-06-22
Publication No.: US20070295622A1Publication Date: 2007-12-27
- Inventor: Ian Bates , Lourens Van Pesch
- Applicant: Ian Bates , Lourens Van Pesch
- Applicant Address: NL Deventer
- Current Assignee: SMUFIT KAPPA ZEDEK B.V.
- Current Assignee Address: NL Deventer
- Main IPC: B65D75/00
- IPC: B65D75/00

We describe a carrier which seeks to prevent containers, such as bottles, located in compartments at open ends of the carrier from slipping out of the carrier. We also describe a carrier in which adjacently located bottles are prevented from contacting into each other. We further describe a carrier in which sliding movement of a loaded carrier across a surface is minimised.
Information query