Invention Application
- Patent Title: Carrier and method
- Patent Title (中): 载体和方法
Application No.: US11900007Application Date: 2007-09-07
Publication No.: US20080017527A1Publication Date: 2008-01-24
- Inventor: Angelo Cuomo
- Applicant: Angelo Cuomo
- Assignee: E-Z Media, Inc.
- Current Assignee: E-Z Media, Inc.
- Main IPC: B65D75/28
- IPC: B65D75/28 ; B65B21/02

The carrier has a folded-panel central vertical support structure with a handle and a pair of trays or receptacles attached to the central support structure, and an optional auxiliary tray with a slotted bottom which can be fitted onto the central support panel. A folded side-wall structure can be unfolded to start the formation of the trays, and a plurality of folded flanges unfold to form a bottom for each receptacle. Dividers separate each receptacle into the three compartments to hold six beverage or other containers in the trays or receptacles. The carriers can be made from a single sheet and advertising printed entirely on one side to facilitate efficient fabrication at a moderate cost.
Information query