US20080043128A1 Image sensor ADC and CDS per Column with Oversampling 有权

Image sensor ADC and CDS per Column with Oversampling
A solid state imager converts analog pixel values to digital form on an arrayed per-column basis. An N-bit counter supplies an N-bit DAC to produce an analog ramp output with a level that varies corresponding to the contents of the counter. A latch/counter or equivalent is associated with each respective column. A clock supplies clock signal(s) to the counter elements. When the analog ramp equals the pixel value for that column, the latch/counter latches the value. The black level can be pre-set in the latch/counter or can be subtracted separately to reduce fixed pattern noise. The pixels can be oversampled for some number of times, e.g., n=16, to reduce the thermal noise of the sensors. Also, two or more pixels sharing a common sense node may be binned together, and two (or more) pixels having different integration times may be combined to obtain an output signal with enhanced dynamic range.