US20080103730A1 System and Methods for Integrating Authoring with Complexity Analysis for Computing System Operation Procedures 失效

System and Methods for Integrating Authoring with Complexity Analysis for Computing System Operation Procedures
Techniques are disclosed for integrating complexity analysis with procedure authoring (design and/or documentation). By way of example, a technique for authoring a procedure associated with a computing system operation based on a complexity analysis associated with the operation and the computing system implementing the operation comprises the following steps/operations. A procedure associated with a computing system operation is generated, wherein the generated procedure represents a new procedure or an edited existing procedure. A structured representation of the generated procedure is extracted from the generated procedure. The structured representation of the generated procedure is analyzed to produce complexity analysis results, wherein at least a portion of the complexity analysis results are fed back to a procedure author for use in selectively altering the generated procedure. The technique may also further comprise generating documentation relating to the generated procedure from the structured representation of the generated procedure.