Invention Application
- Patent Title: Stabilization of Biologically Active Proteins With Mixtures of Polysaccharides and Amino Acid Based Compounds
- Patent Title (中): 用多糖和氨基酸化合物的混合物稳定生物活性蛋白质
Application No.: US11972023Application Date: 2008-01-10
Publication No.: US20080219951A1Publication Date: 2008-09-11
- Inventor: Richard S. Brody , Sreedhara Alavattam , William M. Fountain , Randy L. Jones
- Applicant: Richard S. Brody , Sreedhara Alavattam , William M. Fountain , Randy L. Jones
- Main IPC: A61K38/21
- IPC: A61K38/21 ; A61K39/395 ; A61K38/43 ; A61K31/56 ; A61K38/00 ; A61K38/25

The invention provides heat stable aqueous solutions or gels comprising a biologically active protein and a stabilizing effective amount of a mixture of a polysaccharide and an amino acid based compound. The invention also discloses stabilized solutions or gels suitable for use in an implantable drug delivery device at body temperature, and a device containing the stabilized solution or gels.
Information query