US20090034870A1 Unified spatial image processing 审中-公开

Unified spatial image processing
Various embodiments of the present invention are directed to methods and systems for image processing that are unified in nature, carrying out many image-enhancement tasks together in a unified approach, rather than sequentially executing separately implemented, discrete image-enhancement tasks. In addition, the methods and systems of the present invention can apply image-enhancement to local, spatial regions of an image, rather than relying on global application of enhancement techniques that result in production of artifacts and distortions. In certain embodiments of the present invention, various different types of intermediate images are produced at each of a number of different scales from a received, input image. From these intermediate images, a photographic mask and temporary image are obtained, and the photographic mask and temporary image are then employed, along with a look-up table or function that receives values from the photographic mask and temporary image, to compute an enhanced, output image. In a described embodiment of the present invention, the intermediate images include low-pass, band-pass, photographic-mask, and temporary-image intermediate images computed at each of a number of different scales.