A surgical access device includes a single valve that forms a seal with the body wall and provides an access channel into a body cavity. The valve has properties for creating a zero seal in the absence of an instrument as well as an instrument seal with instruments having a full range of instrument diameter. The valve can include a gel and preferably an ultragel comprised of an elastomer and an oil providing elongation greater than 1000 percent and durometer less than 5 Shore A. The single valve can be used as a hand port where the instrument comprises the arm of a surgeon, thereby providing hand access into the cavity.A method for making the surgical access device includes the combining of a gelling agent with an oil, preferably in a molding process. A method for using the device includes steps for creating an opening with the instrument. In a particular process, an organ can be removed from the body cavity through the single valve to create an organ seal while the organ is addressed externally of the body cavity. The valve and method are particularly adapted for laparoscopic surgery wherein the abdominal cavity is insufflated with a gas thereby requiring the zero seal, the instrument seal, and the organ seal in various procedures.