US20090165261A1 Clip for a Writing Implement 审中-公开

Clip for a Writing Implement
A ballpoint pen body 1 has a convex portion 4 integrally formed on the outer surface 1a thereof, and a pair of shaft bodies 4a are formed on the convex portion 4. Receiving holes 5e are formed in a clip body 5 between the ball portion 5a and the operation portion 5b. With the shaft bodies 4a being received in the receiving holes 5e, the clip body 5 and the ballpoint pen body 1 are swingably coupled to each other. The receiving holes 5e are sized to be larger than the shaft bodies 4a, and the clip body 5 is allowed to move relative to the ballpoint pen body 1 being coupled to the ballpoint pen body 1. A leaf spring 6 is provided to urge the clip body 5 toward the ballpoint pen body 1.