US20090192276A1 Methods Addressing Aging In Flocculated Molecular Sieve Catalysts For Hydrocarbon Conversion Processes 有权

Methods Addressing Aging In Flocculated Molecular Sieve Catalysts For Hydrocarbon Conversion Processes
One aspect of the invention relates to a method for formulating a molecular sieve catalyst composition, the method comprising the steps of: (a) providing a synthesized molecular sieve having been recovered in the presence of a flocculant; (b) thermally treating the synthesized molecular sieve at a temperature from about 50° C. to about 250° C. and under other conditions sufficient to form a thermally treated synthesized molecular sieve having a first LOI less than 26% and a first micropore surface area; (c) aging the thermally treated synthesized molecular sieve for at least one year; (d) analyzing the aged, thermally treated molecular sieve to determine a second micropore surface area, wherein the second micropore surface area is 3% or less lower than the first micropore surface area; and (e) combining the aged, thermally treated synthesized molecular sieve, a binder, and optionally a matrix material to produce an aged, formulated molecular sieve catalyst composition.