US20090207797A1 Mapping between Logical and Physical Uplink Control Resource Blocks in Wireless Networks 有权

Mapping between Logical and Physical Uplink Control Resource Blocks in Wireless Networks
A transmission of information from a secondary to a primary node occurs in a plurality of N logical time durations on an uplink channel in a wireless network. A scheme for mapping between logical uplink control channel (PUCCH) resource blocks (RBs) and physical RBs (PRBs) used by PUCCH is described. A logical uplink control resource block index nLRB is derived by the secondary node in response to information from the primary node. The secondary node then maps the logical uplink control resource block index nLRB to a first uplink physical resource block index nPRB,1 of a plurality of uplink physical resource blocks, wherein nPRB,1=nLRB/2 if nLRB is even and nPRB,1=NPRB−ceil(nLRB/2) if nLRB is odd; wherein NPRB is the total number of the plurality of uplink physical resource blocks; and wherein ceil denotes the ceiling operation. The secondary node then transmits an uplink control information in a subframe using one of the plurality of uplink physical resource blocks indexed by nPRB,1.