US20090280483A1 Methods for Screening Interleukin-6 (IL-6) Signal Transduction Inhibitors 审中-公开

Methods for Screening Interleukin-6 (IL-6) Signal Transduction Inhibitors
The present invention provides methods for screening compounds which inhibit activation of a member of the IL-6 signaling pathways, comprising: (a) a positive screening step using a cell capable of being killed by IL-6 stimulation to select compounds which inhibit death of the cell when it is stimulated by IL-6; and then (b) a biochemical screening step to further select compounds which inhibit activation of a member of the IL-6 signaling pathways by a biochemical means from the compounds selected in step (a). The present invention also provides compounds which inhibit activation of a member of the IL-6 signaling pathways identified using said methods.