US20100114628A1 Validating Compliance in Enterprise Operations Based on Provenance Data 审中-公开

Validating Compliance in Enterprise Operations Based on Provenance Data
Techniques are disclosed for validating compliance with enterprise operations based on provenance data. For example, a computer-implemented method for validating that an enterprise process is in compliance with a rule comprises the following steps. Provenance data is generated, wherein the provenance data is based on collected data associated with an actual end-to-end execution of the enterprise process and is indicative of a lineage of one or more data items. A provenance graph is generated that provides a visual representation of the generated provenance data, wherein nodes of the graph represent records associated with the collected data and edges of the graph represent relations between the records. A correlation is generated between one or more entities in the rule and one or more record types in the provenance data. One or more control points are generated in accordance with the generated correlation. A validation is performed as to whether the enterprise process is in compliance with the rule using the one or more control points.