US20110299850A1 Optical Switching Architectures For Nodes In WDM Mesh And Ring Networks 有权
WDM Mesh和Ring网络中的节点光交换架构

Optical Switching Architectures For Nodes In WDM Mesh And Ring Networks
Switching architectures for WDM mesh and ring network nodes are presented. In mesh networks, the switching architectures have multiple levels—a network level having wavelength routers for add, drop and pass-through functions, an intermediate level having device units which handle add and drop signals, and a local level having port units for receiving signals dropped from the network and transmitting signals to be added to the network. The intermediate level device units are selected and arranged for performance and cost considerations. The multilevel architecture also permits the design of reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers for ring network nodes, the easy expansion of ring networks into mesh networks, and the accommodation of protection mechanisms in ring networks.