US20120106746A1 Technique for Estimating Particular Audio Component 有权

Technique for Estimating Particular Audio Component
Candidate frequencies per unit segment of an audio signal are identified. First processing section identifies an estimated train that is a time series of candidate frequencies, each selected for a different one of the segments, arranged over a plurality of the unit segments and that has a high likelihood of corresponding to a time series of fundamental frequencies of a target component. Second processing section identifies a state train of states, each indicative of one of sound-generating and non-sound-generating states of the target component in a different one of the segments, arranged over the unit segments. Frequency information which designates, as a fundamental frequency of the target component, a candidate frequency corresponding to the unit segment in the estimated train is generated for each unit segment corresponding to the sound-generating state. Frequency information indicative of no sound generation is generated for each unit segment corresponding to the non-sound-generating state.