Optical device with active user-based aberration correction
Exemplary embodiments enable an enhanced direct-viewing optical device to make customized adjustments that accommodate optical aberrations of a current user. In some instances a real-time adjustment of the transformable optical elements is based on known corrective optical parameters associated with a current user. In some implementations a control module may process currently updated wavefront measurements as a basis for determining appropriate real-time adjustment of the transformable optical elements to produce a specified change in optical wavefront at an exit pupil of the direct-viewing device. Possible transformable optical elements include refractive and/or reflective and/or diffractive and/or transmissive characteristics that are adjusted based on current performance viewing factors for a given field of view of the direct-viewing device. Dynamic repositioning and/or transformation of corrective optical elements may be based on a detected shift of a tracked gaze direction of a current user of the direct-viewing device.