Invention Application
- Patent Title: Apparatus and Method for Network Control
- Patent Title (中): 网络控制的装置和方法
Application No.: US13931957Application Date: 2013-06-30
Publication No.: US20140215040A1Publication Date: 2014-07-31
- Inventor: Gang Liu , Timothy Carey
- Applicant: Gang Liu , Timothy Carey
- Main IPC: H04L12/24
- IPC: H04L12/24

A manner of facilitating management of remote devices, especially remote sensory devices, for example Zigbee devices, used in a home or small business. In one aspect, the present invention is a system for managing remote devices including an ACS and a proxy device, where the ACS and the proxy device are configured to communicate with each other at least in part using a data model including a data object and an associated device object. In a preferred embodiment, data object includes a network sub-object and an application sub-object.
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