Methods and Apparatus for Three-Dimensional Printed Composites Based on Folded Substrate Sheets
A three-dimensional object comprises substantially planar or flat substrate layers that are folded and stacked in a predetermined order and infiltrated by a hardened material. The object is fabricated by positioning powder on all or part of multiple substrate layers. On each layer, the powder is selectively deposited in a pattern that corresponds to tiles that each have a slice of the object. For each slice, powder is deposited in positions that correspond to positions in the slice where the object exists, and not deposited where the object does not exist. The tiles of each substrate layer are folded and aligned in a predetermined order. Multiple folded substrate layers mat be combined into a single stack. The powder is transformed into a substance that flows and subsequently hardens into the hardened material in a spatial pattern that infiltrates positive regions, and does not infiltrate negative regions, in the substrate layers.