Manufacture method for fullerence / PEDOT:PSS mixed solution and manufacture method for compound transparent conductive film having fullerence / PEDOT:PSS
A manufacture method for fullerence/PEDOT:PSS mixed solution and a manufacture method for compound transparent conductive film having fullerence/PEDOT:PSS are provided in the present invention: making fullerence/PEDOT:PSS mixed solution to manufacture a transparent conductive film; sources of applicable materials are broad and prices thereof are cheap; the fullerence/PEDOT:PSS mixed solution can be further utilized to manufacture a compound transparent conductive film having fullerence/PEDOT:PSS on substrates or a variety of devices; the present invention discloses a manufacture method for a compound transparent conductive film having fullerence/PEDOT:PSS, and when manufacturing the compound transparent conductive film having fullerence/PEDOT:PSS via wet coating process which is with low cost and high efficiency comparing with manufacture of ITO film, and furthermore expensive PVD equipment can be waived, production cost can be reduced, manufacturing method can be simplified at the same time, production time is shorter and economic efficiency can be increased; the compound transparent conductive film having fullerence/PEDOT:PSS manufacturing in the present invention has high conductivity and high light transmittance to replace ITO films in the market.