Passive Electrostatic CO2 Composite Spray Applicator
An electrostatic spray application apparatus and method for producing an electrostatically charged and homogeneous CO2 composite spray mixture containing an additive and simultaneously projecting at a substrate surface. The spray mixture is formed in the space between CO2 and additive mixing nozzles and a substrate surface. The spray mixture is a composite fluid having a variably-controlled aerial and radial spray density comprising pressure- and temperature-regulated propellant gas (compressed air), CO2 particles, and additive particles. There are two or more circumferential and high velocity air streams containing passively charged CO2 particles which are positioned axis-symmetrically and coaxially about an inner and lower velocity injection air stream containing one or more additives to form a spray cluster. The axis-symmetrical CO2 particle-air streams are passively tribocharged during formation, and the spray clustering arrangement creates a significant electrostatic field and Coanda air mass flow between and surrounding the coaxial flow streams.