This device is a handheld tool intended for use on one's self or another to provide various types of Massage therapy including: Direct Compression, Acupressure, Trigger Point Therapy, Muscle Scraping/Gua Sha, Lymphatic Drainage and Myofascial Release. The size and solid-body construction of this device make it easy to hold, easy to control, and quite durable. The unit is comprised of two distinct parts, a Knuckle Structure and a ball base.
The Knuckle Structures are distributed around and embedded in the ball base in a tetrahedral arrangement. The Knuckle Structures emerge from the ball base at graduated heights allowing for varying depths of penetration of the Knuckle Structures which allows for a greater level of safety and control when providing Trigger Point Therapy, Cross Friction Massage, and compressive forms of Myofascial Release. The sides of the Knuckle Structures provide a rounded edge, especially well-suited for Muscle Scraping which are gentler than those currently offered in other devices. The angles made by the juxtaposition of the Knuckle Structures and the ball base produce approximately V-shaped edges appropriate for lymphatic drainage. The smooth rounded surface of the ball-base itself is similarly appropriate for working on sensitive structures, where no penetration is desired, or for producing a stimulatory effect on underlying inflammation.