According to the present invention, a rotatable brush for combining the tactile qualities of a roller with that of a conventional brush is characterized primarily in that a brush is provided means whereby the tip is made rotatable relative to the holder and adapted to be selectively bent by hand pressure against a drawing surface and rollably moved therealong to produce a stroke of desired width. It comprises, in combination, a hand grip holder having a longitudinal compartment therewithin open at one end; a spindle assembly composed of a spindle, a flexible brush tip disposed about one end thereof, the rest of the spindle rotatably mounted in the hand grip holder. An optional feature of the present invention is the use of an internal feed which further comprises an ink reservoir, an internal passage communicating with the reservoir, a valve means intermediate the tip and internal passage which is operative with the flexure and rotation of the tip for feeding ink thereto, and a vent means extending into the free end of the passage to facilitate, by tongue means, the movement of liquid and air in opposite directions.