Control of incompetent formations with thickened acid-settable resin
A method and composition is provided for positioning a polymeric material having particulate matter disposed therein in a subterranean formation penetrated by a wellbore. The composition consists essentially of a hydrocarbon oil, a quaternary salt of an essentially undegraded, cellulose sulfate, solid particulate matter in an amount equal to from about 0.25 to about 22 pounds of particulate matter per gallon of hydrocarbon oil and an acid-settable thermosetting resin in an amount equal to from about 0.1 to about 5.0 gallons per cubic foot of particulate material. The composition is placed in contact with a subterranean formation in a wellbore by a method comprising injecting a first mixture consisting essentially of said quaternary salt of an essentially undegraded cellulose sulfate mixed with hydrocarbon oil followed by the injection of the composition with a post injection of an additional quantity of the quaternary salt in oil.